
How Humans Heal

Dr. Doni Wilson struggled for decades to solve her numerous health issues and heal her body. With focused determination, she healed herself and in doing so, discovered the Dr. Doni Stress Recovery Protocol ™. On this show, you’re going to hear from Doctors, nutritionists, and experts along with Dr. Doni who will give practical advice and wisdom to help you heal your body. This is How Humans Heal!
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How Humans Heal






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Now displaying: December, 2022
Dec 29, 2022

In today’s podcast interview, I had the chance to talk about naturopathic medicine with my friend and colleague Dr. Tia Trivisonno (@drttrivisonno) 


Dr. Tia and I met about 15 years ago when she was a naturopathic medical student in Portland, Oregon and I went to lecture at the naturopathic medical school about the effort to license the profession in New York. That was when I was president of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians (NYANP). Subsequently, after Tia graduated as a naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist, she took a position at Transformational Healing Solutions in Glen Head, NY, where she has practiced for the past 12 years, and she is currently president of the NYANP. 


Dr. Tia and I have several things in common: We both specialize in helping with mental health issues using naturopathic approaches, we are passionate about increasing awareness for naturopathic medicine, and we both love to travel. 


Prior to getting her naturopathic degree, Dr. Tia studied Ayurvedic medicine in India and spent two years doing environmental work as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay. Through her travels she developed a love of service and a deep respect for cultural traditions and indigenous medicine. 


In this professional conversation, Dr. Tia and I talk about how the philosophy of naturopathic medicine differs from that of conventional medicine. For example, naturopathic medicine aims to treat the whole person instead of addressing the human body as separate parts.  


Naturopathic medicine uses scientific evidence and an understanding of how the body works with the benefits of using nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, and other natural approaches to support the body’s ability to heal.  


Naturopathic medicine also includes the mind-body connection to address health issues related to anxiety, depression, and other stress-related health issues. Our minds are part of our bodies, and if we have mental health issues, we will probably suffer from another health issue somewhere else in our bodies, and vice versa. 


And yet too often people end up being led to believe there is something “wrong with them” and that the problem is all in their heads. Dr. Tia and I both see that unfortunately, many people who suffer from mental health issues may be placed on a medication and yet could still be suffering from a lot of symptoms and never get to solve the actual underlying problem. They may be going to see a specialist, like a psychiatrist for example, but often the root cause of the issue is not identified or addressed.  


For example, whenever a person is experiencing anxiety and /or depression, it is important to consider and address gut health, nutrient deficiencies, adrenal function, thyroid, and the endocrine system in general, as well as underlying infection(s) and food intolerances or sensitivities.  


To learn more, definitely listen in to the full podcast episode. 


With a naturopathic approach to mental health, we see our patients improve so much faster because we take into account the whole person, aim to identify all the underlying causes and address them, and rebalance what is out of balance. Not only that, but we find that patients are able to resolve issues such as anxiety and depression and be able to safely decrease the use of medications (with their psychiatrist). This can be life changing to be free of the use of medications that have many side effects and withdrawal symptoms. 


As Dr. Tia summarizes: It’s all about balancing that mind-body connection. So, when we get to the root of that imbalance, we can address it and fix the whole situation. A few years Dr. Tia started surfing, so I asked her if that has influenced the way she understands health and how she helps her patients. She said absolutely! She realized that our emotions are like weather patterns. They are meant to be with us, and they do change. Feeling better and living a healthy life does not mean that you will never experience anxiety or that you will feel sad over a loss for example. But if we really work with all these different factors supporting the balance of body and mind, we can minimize their impact on our daily lives.  


Dr. Tia and I want to make sure everyone knows that you don’t have to choose between naturopathic medicine or conventional medicine. They can be combined so that you get the best of both approaches. Your naturopathic doctor will work as a detective, looking for the root cause of any kind of symptomatology. In some cases that may be multi-factorial, which may be why a person is been suffering so much and not finding so many answers because it’s not just the gut health, for example, it could also be connected to trauma and some other system like the endocrine system.  


The naturopathic doctor will be a guide who teaches and helps you with basic treatment guidelines, like things that you can do at home, whether its hydrotherapy, castor oil packs, or other simple things to care for yourself that will support your overall general health and reduce symptoms and make the need for other more invasive interventions less likely. 


Naturopathic doctors also understand all about the conventional medicine approach and different specialties like cardiology, gastroenterology, and dermatology. Often patients come in with a diagnosis, but their only option is a medication, and they would like to address the underlying cause instead of relying on a medication. Or they come in with laboratory results showing signs that there could be an issue down the line in which case a naturopathic doctor will help them prevent the health issue from getting worse. 


Overall, naturopathic doctors who are licensed or qualified to be licensed in states that offer licensure, are trained to understand health issues and lab tests, and not just look at it as disease care, but look for patterns that could emerge and guide you in modifying your habits, like dietary changes or stress recovery activities, to get to a healthier life naturally. 


If you want to reach out to Dr. Tia Trivisonno and learn how she can help you, please check out her website: or her Instagram:  


To learn more about naturopathic medicine, visit, and 


If you want to learn more about my approach to helping with mental health and how I help patients transform their lives, you can find a free masterclass here:  


You can read all about my protocol in my book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health:


In the book, I share the quiz I developed to help you identify how stress has affected you specifically by knowing your Stress Type. You can also take the Stress Type Quiz online here:  


You can also reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment if you prefer here:  


We're here to help you!



Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Order My New Book:


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Dec 21, 2022

Today’s podcast is all about helping you to support yourself through the holidays and events in your life, while making sure you’re able to take good care of YOU through them. This way you can feel good and enjoy these events and also recover easily when they are stressful.


Studies show and we know from life experience that when we have these additional experiences or extras in our schedule (whether it’s the holidays or events in your life like a wedding planning or having a baby or even planning a memorial in your family) we experience stress.


This is because these are activities on top of everything else that’s happening in our lives. We still must keep up with our everyday jobs, our careers, running our homes, paying our bills, etc. 


Even though holidays are something we look forward to and we enjoy as part of taking a break and spending time with our loved ones it’s sometimes hard to enjoy them when we are feeling stressed.


So how do we navigate through this?


Well, we have to implement SelfC.A.R.E. (C for clean eating, A for adequate sleep, R for recovery activities and E for exercise).


First, we need to sit down to think about our schedules and write them down. This way we will have a clear idea of what we are spending our time on every day. Then we can jot down our priorities list. We then can re-organize our time to make sure we are putting ourselves high on that list. 


If we are not taking good care of ourselves we are not going to be able to take care of anybody else. Here is where I like to use my SelfC.A.R.E. Notebook, where I keep track and write down the important things I wish to accomplish every day. Then follow up, look at what worked and what didn’t, make some tweaks and then do it slightly different the next day. If you would like to start doing this you can get your own SelfC.A.R.E. notebook here: (


Prioritizing ourselves takes time and practice. That’s why I want to help you with some tips, so you are able to do this. In my book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health I give you examples of a SelfC.A.R.E. routine, from the minute you wake up. Hour by hour I show you what you can do to take good care of yourself every day. If you would like to find out more you can get a copy here: (




So how can we start implementing SelfC.A.R.E. in our lives? Let’s talk through some examples.


C for Clean Eating: 

This is different for everybody as everyone may have a different starting point. For example, is there too much sugar in your diet? Well, this is creating a blood sugar rollercoaster in your system. If this is the case, I encourage you to start reading the labels of what you eat and drink and look for sugar on them and try to start cutting down on these foods. 


I also like to focus on protein in my meals. Whenever you are eating something ask yourself where is the protein? You can also add some healthy carbs and fats like vegetables and nuts to give you the energy you need throughout the day. 


What I also like to do is if I have an event or a party, I eat a healthy small meal before going out so I know I am fed and then I will not be eating whatever there is available at the event. 


For some next steps you can check out my 7 day SelfC.A.R.E. Stress Reset here: (, where I give you more tips and show you how to integrate them into your life in a way that’s doable and doesn’t stress you more. My goal is always to support you through stress, not add more to your life.


A for Adequate Sleep: 

We have to start by setting a time to go to bed every day and stick with it. We also need to think about our pre-bedtime routine like do the dishes, brush our teeth, do some meditation or journaling, etc. 


We have to figure out what are the things we need to do to tell our nervous system and our bodies it’s time to wind down, relax and go to sleep so we can get at least 7.5 hours of quality sleep. 


If you’re not sleeping well, you can find some resources here: (


R for Recovery Activities: 

Sometimes when we are visiting family or loved ones, we lose track of our SelfC.A.R.E. routine. Here I encourage you to set out your schedule and even communicate it with your family and friends. 


For example, say “I would like to spend some time outside today and this is what I’m thinking about the timing, would you like to join me for a 20 min walk?” We all know how important it is for our health to spend time in nature and get some sunlight. This is really good for our circadian rhythm and resetting our stress response system. 


Also, things like journaling, meditation, mindfulness, singing, listening to music, playing instruments are all things that we can do in the company of others and that are good for reducing stress. 


E for Exercise: 

You can just start with just 5 minutes a day if you don’t exercise at all. If you have an event later in the day you can schedule your exercise routine early in the morning so you get it done and out of the way. 


It could be any kind of physical activity like going for a walk, yoga, dancing, breathing, core strengthening, strength training or a short HIIT workout. The important thing is it needs to be something you like. 


In my book I show you how to tailor your exercise based on your stress type. If you don’t know your stress type yet you can do my Stress Type Quiz here: ( It will give you so much information on how to master your specific kind of stress and the supplements you need to take. It will also show you how to implement SelfC.A.R.E. based on your unique type of stress.




So, if you’re getting ready to go to a holiday event I would recommend:


Make sure to get that clean eating before heading out.

Take a stress management supplement like GABA ( a natural non drowsy, non-addictive supplement based on nutrients that help buffer the stress. 

Take an immune support supplement ( to avoid getting sick. If you do get a cold after the holidays you can find my cold and flu survival guide here: ( It will help you bounce back to your normal life as quickly as possible.

If you choose to drink alcohol, make sure you drink plenty of water and take some NAC supplements to help you metabolize alcohol better. Also, probiotics have been shown to help counteract the effects of alcohol. You can find both here: ( (


I am so glad you joined me here, please let me know if there is something you would like me to cover in more depth and make sure you join my newsletter and subscribe to the podcast.


You can also reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment if you prefer here: 


As always, we’re here to help you! Happy holidays!!


Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Order My New Book:


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Dec 14, 2022

In today’s podcast we talk about functional medicine health coaching with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum, otherwise known as Dr. Sandi [@drsandi].  


Dr. Sandi trains people to become health coaches because she believes that growing the health coaching profession will be the solution to combating chronic disease and reducing healthcare costs.  


She’s the Founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine. An educator and licensed clinical psychologist for over 40 years, she’s the author of How to Become a Health Coach, Functional Medicine Coaching, and Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps. 


In the conventional mental health world you often get a diagnosis for anxiety, you go see a therapist and the message you get is you are broken, you have something wrong with you and you need to be fixed.   


When you look at a personalized approach, which is where medicine is going in the future (personalized precision), you see a design of a protocol that fits specifically for you.


There is a landmark study, a mindfulness-based stress reduction approach, featured in the Journal of the American Medical Association, where a group of around 240 people diagnosed with anxiety were separated into two groups. Group A got the conventional medication, a generic version of Lexapro and Group B got the mindfulness-based stress reduction approach. The results showed that both groups reported significant improvements with their anxiety disorder.  


This is good news as it shows that not everybody that suffers from anxiety needs an anti-anxiety medication, which could be really hard to withdraw from. 


However, the mindfulness-based reduction approach is not for everybody. In the study they recommended 40 minutes a day which could not fit everyone’s schedule. Here is where a coach comes in. A coach could dive into what is going to work specifically for you. Maybe it could start with a one-minute walk meditation or listening to some music for a set amount of time daily. 


The personalized strategies must be based on what works for each individual based on his preferences and time availability. Sometimes even realizing we need help is difficult for us as there is so much stigma to asking for help. So coaches create a safe and secure environment where people can get unconditional compassionate support. There are even anonymous support communities created by coaches so people feel safe sharing their experiences with others going through the same problems. 


Fortunately, nowadays there are health coaches specializing in most health issues helping people overcome these.  


We also could feel that we need to take big steps to get better and could feel overwhelmed by this. Here health coaches can help people identify the little incremental steps that you can take to start feeling better from the start, little by little, without being overwhelmed by a big change in your life. For example, when a doctor says, “you need to lose weight” or “you need to start exercising” Well, what do you do with that? A health coach could show you the small changes you can do in your daily routine to incorporate physical activity in small incremental steps and help you be accountable for those small changes. 


A coach is somebody who helps people change when change is hard. By having deep conversations on what really matters to you then you decide how and when or if you want to change. Finding the right coach starts with analyzing what you need and who you connect with because it’s about a relationship between two people or if it’s a group, a relationship with the people in that group and the coach as the facilitator. 




Functional medicine health coaches help people looks at their story, they help with the discovery process and get to the root of what is causing their specific health issue. A health coach is someone who will guide you and show you how to access these tools because in this approach it’s not one size fits all. 


We are humans and we will have health issues at some point in our lives, the important thing is to think about how are we going to support ourselves through that, and I talk a lot about this in my book, Master Your Stress Reset Your Health ( how do we choose self-care, how do we choose to be supported in our process and I really see that a health coach is a great way to support your journey to heal. I have health coaches in my practice helping patients and see what a difference they make. 


If you want to reach out to Dr. Sandi and learn how she can help you, please check out her website: or her Instagram:  


If you want to learn more about your specific stress type and how you can start mastering stress and anxiety based on how it affects you as an individual, you can do my Stress Type Quiz for free here:  


You can also find my free masterclass on how to address the root causes of anxiety here:  


Or you can dive deep into really becoming your own Stress Master by reading my new book Master Your Stress Reset Your Health:  


You can also reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment if you prefer here:  


We're here to help you! 


Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Order My New Book:


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Dec 7, 2022

In today’s podcast I will be sharing a presentation that I gave as part of my FREE 5 Days to Heal HPV Workshop. I want to share this here in the podcast because I believe everyone should have access to this information.


I feel it is my duty, as part of all my years in practice, to share this information about this common virus that all of us are exposed to in our lifetime and yet it is not well known that we can protect ourselves from this virus and prevent it from causing cancer. 


So, if you or any of your loved ones are concerned about HPV I encourage you to listen to this Day 1 of my workshop.


In this first day of my workshop we talk about the 3 reasons why the holistic path is best for treating and healing HPV.


Cervical cancer is the 3rd leading cancer in women and I definitely think we can get that down to much less common. I really believe we should be able to prevent cervical cancer in all women.


My patients have proven to me that by following my protocol we can prevent cancer and get HPV to negative and stay that way.


It is not easy to get rid of HPV, but I have the knowledge to guide you through this path to start transforming your life by fending off HPV.


I know most of you have experienced shame and embarrassment or confusion, exhaustion and even anger with this virus ruining your lives. I want to tell you that this is a safe place to start with this journey. 


I also know that when you go to the doctor it may feel scary and judgmental to talk about this, so a lot of people just decide not to go. In my office my goal is for you to feel supported unconditionally and point out what your specific body needs to heal from HPV once and for all.


We all get exposed to this virus at some point in our lives, but sex is not the problem, even the virus is not the problem, what we really have to analyze is why this virus is making YOU susceptible to it and therefore causing abnormal cells in your body.


What I share is based on research, case studies, and my clinical experience with thousands of women (and men), of all ages and all types of HPV, from around the world, over the past 22 yeas.


First, I want you to understand that yes, you should get pap smears and colposcopies in order to identify abnormal cells and address them if present. This is the starting point always.




So what are the 3 reasons the holistic approach is best?


There is no medication to treat or kill this virus.

This is why doctors will tell you wait and see, because in 90% of the people the body will get rid of it on its own within two years. And as there is no medical treatment doctors bet on the fact that it may go away on its own. So, what happens if you are in the 10% and this virus can potentially cause cancer in your body?


The question we have to ask is why are you in this 10%? If we can get someone who is in this 10% and get him into the 90% by giving the body the support it needs to do so, why wouldn’t we?


Well, my protocol has proven again and again to be effective in doing so.


A holistic approach can address HPV.


The holistic approach takes into account individuality. We have to analyze the reasons why your specific body is susceptible to this virus and what is the specific support it needs to fend it off. 


Our bodies are unique and different, and they react differently to certain vitamins, herbs, and nutrients. This is why some people are allergic to some things they eat, and some people are not. 


AHCC is 75% effective but it is expensive and may require long-term use. 


There is evidence that these nutrients help:


- Vitamin A

- Vitamin C

- Vitamin D

- Zinc and Slenium

- Methylfolate (5MTHF) – NOT Folic Acid


And these herbs:


- Green tea extract

- Muchroom extract

- Curcumin

- DIM Broccoli extract


But we have to know which nutrients and herbs help your unique body and in which doses.


The ability to not just get HPV to negative but keep it away even if/when you are re-exposed.


It is not just about taking vitamins and supplements for a while, it’s about making the right changes holistically to your body so it can prevent HPV from causing abnormal cells in the future. 


For this, we have to analyze the root cause of your specific body being susceptible to it in order to fix that for the rest of your life. We have to understand which strategies to implement that will be enough for your body to fend off the virus.


We covered such important information in this first session, and I have so much more in store for you. 


If you would like to learn how to heal from HPV for good, I encourage you to join my FREE workshop this week, or the next time I offer it. 


On day 2 of the workshop, we will be going deep on: What’s making you susceptible to HPV. The 5 Susceptibility Factors.


If you want to join us, or sign up for the next live workshop, you can do it here. 


Remember, you can always join anonymously, just don't use your name when you login and keep your camera off. (Your information at registration will not be shared in the call).


You can also go ahead and get my HPV Support Package here: 


To find out about how you can get access to my proven protocol to get HPV to negative, read about the Say Goodbye to HPV Program here. 


If I can be of more assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment here: 


We're here to help you!



Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Order My New Book:


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.