In today’s podcast I will be sharing a presentation that I gave as part of my FREE 5 Days to Heal HPV Workshop. I want to share this here in the podcast because I believe everyone should have access to this information.
I feel it is my duty, as part of all my years in practice, to share this information about this common virus that all of us are exposed to in our lifetime and yet it is not well known that we can protect ourselves from this virus and prevent it from causing cancer.
So, if you or any of your loved ones are concerned about HPV I encourage you to listen to this Day 1 of my workshop.
In this first day of my workshop we talk about the 3 reasons why the holistic path is best for treating and healing HPV.
Cervical cancer is the 3rd leading cancer in women and I definitely think we can get that down to much less common. I really believe we should be able to prevent cervical cancer in all women.
My patients have proven to me that by following my protocol we can prevent cancer and get HPV to negative and stay that way.
It is not easy to get rid of HPV, but I have the knowledge to guide you through this path to start transforming your life by fending off HPV.
I know most of you have experienced shame and embarrassment or confusion, exhaustion and even anger with this virus ruining your lives. I want to tell you that this is a safe place to start with this journey.
I also know that when you go to the doctor it may feel scary and judgmental to talk about this, so a lot of people just decide not to go. In my office my goal is for you to feel supported unconditionally and point out what your specific body needs to heal from HPV once and for all.
We all get exposed to this virus at some point in our lives, but sex is not the problem, even the virus is not the problem, what we really have to analyze is why this virus is making YOU susceptible to it and therefore causing abnormal cells in your body.
What I share is based on research, case studies, and my clinical experience with thousands of women (and men), of all ages and all types of HPV, from around the world, over the past 22 yeas.
First, I want you to understand that yes, you should get pap smears and colposcopies in order to identify abnormal cells and address them if present. This is the starting point always.
So what are the 3 reasons the holistic approach is best?
There is no medication to treat or kill this virus.
This is why doctors will tell you wait and see, because in 90% of the people the body will get rid of it on its own within two years. And as there is no medical treatment doctors bet on the fact that it may go away on its own. So, what happens if you are in the 10% and this virus can potentially cause cancer in your body?
The question we have to ask is why are you in this 10%? If we can get someone who is in this 10% and get him into the 90% by giving the body the support it needs to do so, why wouldn’t we?
Well, my protocol has proven again and again to be effective in doing so.
A holistic approach can address HPV.
The holistic approach takes into account individuality. We have to analyze the reasons why your specific body is susceptible to this virus and what is the specific support it needs to fend it off.
Our bodies are unique and different, and they react differently to certain vitamins, herbs, and nutrients. This is why some people are allergic to some things they eat, and some people are not.
AHCC is 75% effective but it is expensive and may require long-term use.
There is evidence that these nutrients help:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Zinc and Slenium
- Methylfolate (5MTHF) – NOT Folic Acid
And these herbs:
- Green tea extract
- Muchroom extract
- Curcumin
- DIM Broccoli extract
But we have to know which nutrients and herbs help your unique body and in which doses.
The ability to not just get HPV to negative but keep it away even if/when you are re-exposed.
It is not just about taking vitamins and supplements for a while, it’s about making the right changes holistically to your body so it can prevent HPV from causing abnormal cells in the future.
For this, we have to analyze the root cause of your specific body being susceptible to it in order to fix that for the rest of your life. We have to understand which strategies to implement that will be enough for your body to fend off the virus.
We covered such important information in this first session, and I have so much more in store for you.
If you would like to learn how to heal from HPV for good, I encourage you to join my FREE workshop this week, or the next time I offer it.
On day 2 of the workshop, we will be going deep on: What’s making you susceptible to HPV. The 5 Susceptibility Factors.
If you want to join us, or sign up for the next live workshop, you can do it here.
Remember, you can always join anonymously, just don't use your name when you login and keep your camera off. (Your information at registration will not be shared in the call).
You can also go ahead and get my HPV Support Package here:
To find out about how you can get access to my proven protocol to get HPV to negative, read about the Say Goodbye to HPV Program here.
If I can be of more assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me to set up a one-on-one appointment here:
We're here to help you!
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Books and Resources:
Order My New Book:
Stress Warrior Book (FREE)
Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE)
7-day Stress Reset (FREE)
HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE)
Personalized Solutions:
If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH
To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES
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