When it comes to healing by addressing the root cause, making diet changes is an important place to begin. So then the question becomes – where do I begin? Which foods should I stop eating? And what am I going to eat instead?
In this episode, Alison Marras [@foodbymars], Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, talks about how following a paleo diet helped her heal her health issues. Now she is sharing her favorite go-to recipes with real food that’s good for you in her new cookbook - The Paleo Gut Healing Cookbook.
The paleo diet is based on the concept of eating the way humans ate back in history. Whole foods, organic, without added sugar or preservatives. It is also gluten-free, dairy-free, and grain-free overall. It can be taken up a notch to be AIP – autoimmune protocol – by eliminating nuts, seeds, legumes and eggs.
These foods are eliminated in an effort to decrease inflammation in the body overall, as well as to prevent and support the healing of leaky gut. Studies show that people with autoimmunity are more likely to have food sensitivities and leaky gut. Avoiding the most common food sensitivities – gluten, dairy, eggs, nuts and grains – makes it so those foods are no longer able to add to the problem.
The issue is that it can be challenging to shift your diet and still get enough calories and good tasting food when following a paleo or AIP diet. That’s where Alison’s cookbook comes into play. She has figured out how to make cooking paleo easy and tasty at the same time.
Be sure to listen in to this interview to find out:
-How long do you need to avoid the reactive foods
-Should you consider doing a food sensitivity panel
-Which recipe from Alison’s book am I looking forward to trying
-What is the connection between leaky gut and autoimmunity
-Why her website is called FoodbyMars.com
If you are ready to follow, or are in the process of following, a paleo diet, and need more help figuring out what to eat, make sure you get Alison’s new book – order it here. https://foodbymars.com/preorder
20-min meal prep freebie:foodbymars.com/prep
And to stay in touch with Alison, get her paleo/AIP meal prep plan for free, and see her latest blog posts, click here. https://foodbymars.kartra.com/page/mp-optin
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