Mother of four sons, Dr. Madiha [IG @holisticmommd], family physician, has taken what she learned in functional medicine and applied it at home with her family.
While it’s not what she learned in medical school, she quickly figured out that to heal herself from autoimmunity, she needed to change her diet and start seeing food as medicine. She’s been teaching her children the same power of nutrition and helping them to learn how to choose foods based on what their bodies need.
Now she’s put all that information into a book – The Holistic Rx for Kids – complete with references, recipes, and tips for helping your kids through common health issues.
In this episode we talk about:
-How to talk with your kids about food and health
-How prioritizing health as a family can help you too
-What it looks like to eat a rainbow of foods
-How anxiety and attention issues are often linked to food choices
-What a difference healthy eating can make in your child’s lifetime
Join me as I talk with Dr. Madiha, and also about her new book for kids, to help them learn how to choose for themselves to eat less sugar and more colorful foods.
You can find about Dr. Madiha at Her books are available starting this week on Amazon.
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