Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the 7 Essentials System®, and co-founder of My Breast Friend™. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 48 around the world. Her mission is to “change lives, one breast at a time.” Dr. V has personally conquered breast cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey.
Her signature book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, is a #1 Amazon Best Seller in 10 categories and in 5 countries. Dr. V has been featured in the world-renowned Truth About Cancer Docu-series and TTAC LIVE stages, as well as many other stages, summits, and podcasts including JJ Virgin, Wendy Meyers, Wellness Mama, NBC News affiliate show Tampa, etc. She has been a guest contributor to Natural News, Green Med Info, Natural Health 365, Mind Body Green, Wellness.com, and many other sites. Enjoy!
In this episode we talk about:
- Dr. V had breast cancer and recovered, twice, and developed her approach to healing from breast cancer in the process
- How making diet changes, reducing toxin exposure and balancing hormones is essential
- The importance of addressing traumatic emotional stress and dental cavitations
- How the best way to identify breast cancer is YOURSELF at home!
- Introducing the early detection tool you can order for home use to learn how to identify tumors yourself – My Breast Friend™
Connect with Dr. V:
Websites: www.breastcancerconqueror.com and https://mybreastfriend.com/?afmc=2z
Social media links: www.facebook.com/breastcancerconqueror
Find out more and order My Breast Friend™ https://mybreastfriend.com/?afmc=2z
Connect with Dr. Doni:
Sign up for my weekly newsletter: https://doctordoni.com/weekly-wellness-wisdom-newsletter/
Get Stress Warrior book for free online: https://doctordoni.com/stress-warrior/
Paperback: https://drdonistore.com/Dr-Donis-Stress-Warrior-Book-Paperback_p_1136.html
Website: https://doctordoni.com/
FREE 7-Day Stress Reset: https://doctordoni.com/stress-reset/
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Additional links:
Order a DUTCH panel, and get an appointment with Dr. Doni to review your results:
Find out how Dr. Doni helps women and men to balance hormones:
Women’s Wellness and Fertility: https://doctordoni.com/services/womens-wellness/
Stress and Adrenal Recovery: https://doctordoni.com/services/adrenal-recovery/
HPV and Cervical Dysplasia: https://doctordoni.com/services/cervical-dysplasia-solutions/
Sleep Solutions: https://doctordoni.com/services/sleep-solutions/
Masterclass on MTHFR and how to address it: https://drdonistore.com/MTHFR-Methylation-and-Genetics-Masterclass_p_971.html
Work with me one-on-one in the MTHFR and Genetic Optimization Program: https://doctordoni.com/services/mthfr-solutions/
Reverse HPV and Cervical Dysplasia Online Course: https://drdonistore.com/Reverse-HPV-with-Dr-Doni--Online-Course_p_1169.html