In this episode I’m going to talk about how diet and gut health play a key role in helping to clear high-risk HPV virus.
As a women's health expert and HPV specialist, I've helped thousands of women around the world address abnormal pap smears and get HPV to negative, once and for all. I’ve seen first-hand that helping women to optimize their gut microbiome and to heal leaky gut is a sure path to helping them clear HPV and prevent cervical cancer.
The gut-vaginal connection isn't well known, and it's definitely not something you're likely to hear about from your doctor's office, even though more research studies are coming out every year documenting what's called the gut-vagina axis.
There's communication both ways - not only does the microbiome in the gut influence the microbiome in the vagina, but also the microbiome in the vagina influences the gut. And, the microbiome in both locations communicates with our immune system, so our whole body gets signals from these microbes. This influences inflammation levels in both the gut and vagina, as well as susceptibility to infections, like high-risk HPV and others.
Most women are told by their doctors either that HPV will go away on its own (but then in some cases it doesn't), or that it's never going to go away. In both scenarios, women are left needing to meet with their gynecologist every six months, essentially waiting for things to get worse.
These are the options women face right now in the United States and other countries around the world. I know because I talk to thousands of women every year who tell me this is what they're experiencing in the standard medical approach to HPV and abnormal pap smears.
Yet, by understanding the gut-vagina connection, we can help women optimize their gut and vaginal microbiome, and drop inflammation. With this information, we can reduce rates of HPV-related cancers like cervical, vaginal, vulvar, and other cancers.
We’re here to help you!
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