Pilates – a method of conditioning the body, mind and spirit – has made such a difference for me so I wanted to share with all of you, and what better way to do that than to talk with my favorite Pilates instructor, Vivian Piccone Jung [@authenticmethodpilates].
In this episode, Vivian and I cover Pilates in depth including:
-What attracted Vivian to become a Pilates instructor
-What are the differences in Pilates training programs
-Who was Joseph Pilates and how we developed Pilates
-The benefits of Pilates
-Potential contraindications and considerations
Vivian recommends being aware and careful when you choose a Pilates class to be sure you get the most benefit.
What I’ve experienced is that professional Pilates instructors take their work extremely seriously, continue to participate in trainings on a regular basis, and modify and plan exercises for each individual.
It is all about transforming your body, most often using the equipment Joseph Pilates developed. And at the same time, listening to your body so as not to overdo it.
Be sure to watch the videos at the end of this episode where Vivian shared examples of how the equipment is used.
Vivian offers in-person classes in Manhattan and Port Jefferson, New York, as well as online classes, including her 15-day Jump Start. Find out about it here: https://authenticmethodpilates.com/15-day-jump-start-program/
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