In this inspiring interview, I had the opportunity to talk to Julie Michelson [@Julie.Michelson], functional medicine health coach, who reversed rheumatoid arthritis herself.
She talks about how difficult it was to have severe joint pain and on 10 prescription medications for 11 years, while taking care of her children.
I know there are thousands of people suffering with autoimmune conditions who are – like Julie – being told by their doctors that there is nothing they can do to reverse it.
When her son was diagnosed with Celiac disease, she too went gluten-free, and was surprised by how much better she felt.
It made her wonder – what else might help?
Then when her daughter said “mom, please don’t die and leave us,” she promised she would try everything.
This decision literally saved her life.
In this episode we talk about:
-That it is possible to turn off autoimmunity
-The timeline of healing from autoimmunity
-Coming off medications with the support her doctor
-Addressing underlying causes of autoimmunity
-Food sensitivities, such as gluten, related to autoimmunity
-The importance of healthy fats
-Genetics related to autoimmunity
If you have an autoimmunity condition, and you’ve been searching for answers about how you can do something about it beyond what your rheumatologist is telling you – definitely listen in to this conversation.
Julie and I would LOVE for you to know that healing and permanent remission is possible.
To connect with Julie, find her at
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If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH
To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES
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